Booking Questions
Do I need to book ahead? How far in advance?
Yes. Booking ahead will ensure that your party can visit. We are happy to take bookings well in advance or last minute (assuming we have spots available) Availability is first come, first serve.
Can I book over the phone?
Yes of course. Give us a call at 603.536.1888 and keep your bank card handy. Price will be walk-in pricing (not Online prices).
Do I have to pay when I reserve or can I pay at the door?
In order to book we require payment at the time of booking (both online or over-the-phone)
I only see "X" number of spots I can purchase but I need more than X?
You will need to pick a different availability as we put all of our options online.

Park Questions
Polar Caves Park wishes to be welcoming to every person. However, our attraction is built into the side of a mountain. The changes in elevation necessitate inclined paths and stairs. As this is a natural attraction we have limited paved surfaces. Our main concourse and paths are either bluestone gravel or earth. Wheeled vehicles (wheelchairs, scooters and strollers) will be unable to or have great difficulty navigating this terrain. All nine caves are situated on or around Hawk's Cliff at an elevation hundreds of feet above the parking lot. There are many stairs that connect the caves and bypass boardwalks.
Our main concourse where our Animal Park is located is gravel covered and partially accessible depending on the diameter of a wheeled vehicle's wheels. Persons with physical disabilities that limit mobility or who are accompanied by registered guide dogs should contact the office in advance with additional questions.
What ages will enjoy the Polar Caves?
Polar Caves sees happy visitors of all ages. Infants should be carried in a FRONT carrier (not a baby backpack or stroller as they are prohibited)
Are the caves suitable for strollers?
The path through our caves has too many obstacles and stairs for strollers.
How tight are the caves? What if I am worried about not fitting?
All of our caves have a bypass around them for those "ill fitting moments". The Lemon Squeeze narrows to 14 inches across.
Are there REAL polar bears at the park?
No, our deer and ducks scared them off.

Getting Prepared Questions
What attire should I wear?
Closed-toed shoes meant for walking or hiking are highly recommended. The caves are cooler than the outside air temperature, there are a number of stairs during the cave tour. We recommend clothing that fits the weather and can be comfortable to move in!
What if it rains?
We handle inclement weather case-by-case. Should we close due to HEAVY rain and/or thunder and lightning we will work with your group to find a suitable solution. That said, many guests have enjoyed the Polar Caves in light rain.
Can we eat lunch at Polar Caves?
For 2022 we are selling only pre-packaged food items that are best described as snacks. We have a nice picnic area that guests are welcome to use.
Are pets allowed?
For safety reasons, pets are not allowed.
How long does it take?
We suggest that guests plan 2 hours, which is typically plenty of time for most groups to do everything in the park!